Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First week of Preschool

We have had a super busy past couple of weeks and I will show you with all the pictures I took:) Here is Jonathan and Natali on their first day of Preschool. I tried to get Jonathan into preschool on base but he was in the top 100. Which means 100 people have to drop out before he would be able to get in. I doubt he is getting in so I decided to home teach him in a way and have fun with both kids. I made a name (I call them my pumpkin princess and my pumpkin seed) haha I know weird but it is true. So I called it my pumpkin patch preschool. The first week we learned about farms and the animals on the farm as well as the food that is grown there. we made a bean project as you see in the second picture. I had the glue and I told them to tell me where to put the glue and they can put the beans on. It was not really a design but it was cute and it was theirs! this week we are learning about fairy tales and I will show you more pictures later about that.

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