Saturday, February 27, 2010


Jonathan decided that we needed to update everyone on here. It has been a few weeks so here we are. Jonathan is going to be one years old in 12 days and he is sure acting his age. He is crawling and lifting himself up onto the furniture and getting into everything. Our house sure looks like we have a one year old running around.

This past week Jonathan got his 7th tooth in. He has 4 on top and 3 on the bottom and he sure loves to use them. He thinks its funny to bite mommy in the leg! I have no idea where he has learned some of the things he does. Sorry this picture is not very good... he doesn't like to show his teeth and it took daddy and me to hold him down and open his mouth so everyone can see at least 6 of them.

Jason put his pants on Jonathan and it looked funny! It almost looks like his legs grew over night but his body forgot to grow. Its cute though.

Well anyway this is Jonathan's update. He is talking like crazy and we know he loves to sing. As soon as mommy starts to sing he starts singing along. Sometimes if there is a song on the radio or on the tv he likes he will sing it so loud. Its hard to record some of these things because it happens when I don't have the camera and as soon as I get the camera he gets excited about that. He also loves to drum and is using his hands everywhere to drum and he gets so excited. Its fun to watch him everyday and see what he will do that day! As for Jason he has 84 more days till he leaves for Missouri and then I am alone with Jonathan. Good thing we have loving family that will take us in until October when I am able to join Jason out in California. This year is going to be a crazy one for this little family but I will rely a lot on the Lord to help me make through these next 5 years.