Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Well it has finally come down to 13 days left of this summer mess till I get to see my husband again! It has been a long 8 1/2 weeks and now we are down to 2 weeks left! Jason took this picture of him self and sent it to me. I am not sure if anyone else got it but I love seeing him in his uniform. I have other pictures of him but can't get them on the computer without a scanner so sorry about the lack of pictures.
Update: Jason is doing super great and loving it out there at basic. He hates the heat and the humidity but said he has not died from it yet and could live through anything now! He misses Jonathan and wishes he could be here to feel natali swimming around. But he will get to do that here soon. They are finally in the blue phase which is the last of the 3 phases and that means the drill Sargents are a little bit nicer to them. they were told that the last week they are out there they get to keep their cell phones for good and he can text or call me whenever they have free time. I was able to talk to Jason both Saturday and Sunday both for an hour long and it was so good to be able to hear his voice. I miss him so much and I miss the little talks we had right before we fell asleep. Jason was told that he could get us a place to live after he gets down to California and then he gets to move in two weeks after we move down. I am so excited that I will be able to have my husband back. I received a letter from Jason's branch president of the church out there in Missouri last week. It was a nice letter talking about how grateful they were for me letting my husband serve our country and for our freedom. It was a nice letter and they gave me their phone number in case I need to get a hold of Jason for any reason. I am grateful Jason has good people watching over him and I know for sure our Heavenly Father is out there watching over him as well. this is not an easy thing and it is for sure a hard trial in our lives but we will make it through and have so far. Please keep Jason in your prayers no matter where this adventure takes us we will need all the help we can get. Thanks for all the support and the love from everyone. We love all of you, Nicole


Chelly Dee said...

So glad you are doing good...You are a strong woman you can do anything...Life's little trials only make you stronger...Soon you will be with Jason and things will get back to kind of normal...Have a good rest of your summer and I can't wait to see pics of your family back together again.

BECKY said...

Natali! cute!!!

Kara D. said...

That's nice that you got a letter. I'm sure it helped ease your mind a little bit.