Monday morning we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl! About midnight, monday morning I was woken up with lot of pain! I thought oh its probably the contractions I have been having the past week that are far apart. I fell back to sleep but about 15 mins later another one hit. Then went away. I thought the same thing and fell back to sleep. again about 15 mins later another strong pain!!!! I thought maybe this is it I should time them. about 10 mins go by and another one hits. for about an hour they were coming every 8- 10 mins apart. I couldn't stand it and about 1:30 I started to cry. Jason woke up and asked what was wrong. I told him i was having contractions and by that point they were 7 mins apart. I thought I don't want to wake anyone, go to the hospital and them tell me its nothing go home. about 2:00 a.m I couldn't stand it so I called Jessica Hall ( a friend here on base) I asked if she could come over and watch Jonathan because we are heading to the hospital. She came right over and off we went. We arrived at the hospital at 3:30 a.m. and we got checked in and into those fun hospital gowns. they checked me and sure enough it was real. I was dilated to 5 cm. the nurse looks at us and says, "you guys won't be leaving this hospital without a brand new baby... you ready?" The nurses were walking around getting everything ready while the contractions started coming faster and stronger. not only was I having pain in the normal spots but also pain in my thighs. The nurse checked me and she could feel the baby's head. She asked if I wanted an epidural and I said yes please!!!! They had to draw blood and do tests before they could give it to me so about a half hour/45 mins later they finally give me the epidural. all of a sudden I felt sick and was throwing up and I almost passed out. They put oxygen on my face so I could breath. I started to feel amazing after that and just laid there on my side holding onto Jason's hand. I was enjoying the fact that my husband was able to be there. I was checked again about 4:30 and I was still at 5 cm so they told me to take a nap and get rested and ready for when I have to push. We fell asleep and about 6:40 we wake up and another doctor walks in with the nurse and says we want to brake your water so you can get going with this. They checked me and I was at 7 cm. The doctor broke my water and he said it should go fast and my doctor will be here about 8. he left and all of a sudden I felt a lot of pressure. it started to get more intence and I felt like I wanted to push. The nurse checked me and I was fully dilated about 15 mins after they broke my water. She called the doctor and said get here asap because she is fully dilated and she wants to push. he got there about 7:35ish and we were ready. I pushed 3 times (while yelling GET IT OUT!!!!!!) not a joke... it hurt! I could feel everything because by that point the epidural wore off and I could feel everything. But after 3 pushes Natali Orianna was born into this world at 7:48 a.m. On Sept 20, 2010. Jason had the opportunity to pull her out and also cut the cord. He was so happy to help with his daughter being born. They were cleaning her off and Jason was right there holding her hand. He had his daughter and was so happy! She was 7 lbs. 1 ounce and 19 inches long. We have been blessed with a wonderful son and a wonderful daughter. we are so happy:) I hope you enjoy these pictures and we love you all!
Congratulations she is so beautiful! So happy for you guys! Enjoy the crazyness that is 2 children. I would also like to see a pics of momma and baby! :)
I think there is maybe one of us. I wouldn't let anyone take a picture of me since I looked like I just had a baby!!!! I will get pictures now of us two if Jason would take pictures of us!
Yay!!! for new babies.
AWwww, she is so precious! Hooray for adopted nieces! ;) Congrats!
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
Wow, what a beauty! I want to see some pics of the Momma though!
And your house is SUPER nice!
Congratulations she is so beautiful! So happy for you guys! Enjoy the crazyness that is 2 children. I would also like to see a pics of momma and baby! :)
I think there is maybe one of us. I wouldn't let anyone take a picture of me since I looked like I just had a baby!!!! I will get pictures now of us two if Jason would take pictures of us!
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